It's the Krazy Kanteen!

Also available on Spotify and iTunes
Also available on Spotify and iTunes
Let her take you on a journey to nunhide, is it a place in your mind? or is it real? You can find out - and decide!
Full Tracklist and Playlist for A-Live from the Attic
Previously a dancer Anastasia took to writing music to take after her late parents who were both musicians. In the end she discovered she had the ability to write songs, after being a singer many years ago she also rediscovered her ability to sing. She also composes, produces and aranges her own songs. Recentely she has moved on to producing full length videos to her songs, but that's another story...
Anastasia quickly realised how much music videos can add enhancement to her music and tell a story, as well as adding a bit of comedy along the way. After starting out with the first few music videos she quickly realised how much you need to make a music video, and that's only to get the shots needed "that's only half the story" "editing is the other half!".
In these changing times Anastasia chose to go it alone from being in a band, she quickly realised that she was able to do all the things needed herself to do a great sounding song without the need to rely on anyone else, this also allowed her really expand on all those ideas!
This is where the ideas become reality, in Anastasia's studio
Anastasia living up to her namesake, dancing the lasers on one of her music videos!
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